1 introduction
In the communication company a large number at households orders higher) plants over a well equipped complete
PC with comprehensive medium equipment such as TV-maps, fast, efficient diagram maps and Dolby Surround 5,1 (or. It is appropriate near to be
e.g. used the advantages of these devices also in the medium range as the digital television more strongly since the borders disappear to the
entertainment electronics ever more. Such Multimediaanlagen periods their existence often no more in the home office, but is the center of the
modern living room.
Standard software points some lack out, which became conscious by the media
the population. More efficient software is wished; some user would like to improve software actively. The interest in open SOURCE software
increases in such a way and is no longer only one sphere of interest of a small group. The advantages are obvious: Open SOURCE software costs
often nothing, always is by the spreading and the advancement on the most current conditions and loads for trying out in: In the Internet
find interested an abundance in information.
On the other side the customer is not satisfied
with the service range of software often. Modern requirements require for personally cut software. A solution for this is the concept 3 of the
computer families.
A software core, which contains the basic functions, is adapted modular to
the requirements and extended in such a way by various functions.
An example for this is the
multiplicity at tax declaration software for different groups of users. That saves not only time in the face of rising achievement pressure
of more briefly becoming product life cycles, since the modules can be used continuously again and modular are developed further, but
also on economic side saves the consistent re-use development costs and serves above all the customer satisfaction.
These trends are trend-setting due to their development for the software production.
Therefore they are to be located connected with one another in the center of this thesis (diploma).
This work concentrates on that brought together modern software requirements with the advantages
of digital television. In addition to the appropriate domains by Live CDs, digital television and computer families one introduces.
Major task is it to analyze and evaluate concepts of the
computer family development along the software development process. But different representative concepts are systematically examined
and their pro and cons are described.
As example
in addition the configuration customized liveCD with the open SOURCE software of a VDR is presented, analyzed and to unite to Plugins and
suggested changes in the sense software of the Reengineerings. These demo CD in a study by Melanie Schöppe and Martin Rulsch4 prototypically
one created; it offers a Web-based menu for the selection of specific Plugins and starts the VDRSoftware configured after customer
These liveCD Ilmenau boats leaves
itself and to implement in the computer laboratory DOES.
For the practical example to DO Ilmenau by Dr. - engineer Detlef Streitferdt developed FORE - model for the structuring by customer requirements used.
After the introductory words over this work in the 1. Chapter takes place in 2. Chapter an introduction to the DVP project and the FORE-Modell
LiveCD of projects and their application type are presented. It is dealt with the
receipt of digital television and video recorder at the PC as well as their pertinent software under Linux and Windows.
In the 3. Chapter is examined the configuration by software.
Different operating systems, programming paradigms and tools in the course of the described software development process are analyzed. Systematics consist
of the description of the concept and the following evaluation.
From these results conclusions for the configuration files of the VDR software about that are drawn liveCD.
In 4. Chapter is presented the liveCD already existing and a theoretical concept to the new configuration on the basis the results from chapter 3
is suggested. Takes place last in 5. Chapter the summary of the explanations and the results of this thesis (diploma). Finally the view shows,
where the development of computer families will lead.
In the appendix a number of useful information are made available.
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