An aspect that denotes the SSN is unfortunately the exorbitant costs that it generates and the
huge resources financial institutions that absorb.
From years the political leaderships agree, even if with different
positions, on the fact that urge participations finalize to you to restructure such field in strong loss.
Currently the
lines guide supplied in order to reduce national sanitary expenses are: responsabilizzare of the regions entrusting they it
direction and management of the respective USL; to put into effect economies of scale centralizing not only the management,
but also the structures hospitals worker.
In the specific one a process of reconversion of the hospitals of smallest dimension
is being put into effect, that is those with less than 120 places read that they constitute still nearly 1/3 of the total.
In effects regarding the greater communitarian countries, our structures hospitals worker strongly turn out under dimensions:
as soon as 30% of the same ones have a advanced equipment of places read to the 500 units and many hospitals to direct management
do not catch up neanche the 100 places read.
In order to catch up economies of scale one previews instead the centralization
of the warehouses hospitals worker. In practical tip $R-alla.chiusura of the warehouses of a district hospital worker letting
some active one only that it will have to supply to the refueling of all the units of all the hospitals.
The objective is
that one to carry out a total organizational rearrangement of the service in the insertion perspective, in the process of
supplying and distribution of the druggist productive factors of a " external subject" to the company which
activity series will be remitted one.
Such rearrangement will invest, as well as the aspects operated to you how much those
informed to us correlates you to the various activities, and will determine substantial modifications also in the relationships
with the "inner customers" who will have unavoidablly to adapt themselves to the change.
To here of the specific appraisals on the various activities that will
have to be put in field for the performance of the plan, it is necessary to place the attention on some elements of the same one
that of it represent the primary objective; that is those economic appraisals that determine one assumed realization of meant
savings to you.
The document " Rationalization of the functions acquires and logistics Business Plan " (elaborated
from the Accentare and whose they give to you they turn out recepiti from part of the Tuscany Region in the within of the plan
of rationalization of the logistics) previews between the other things an operation of centralization/exsternalizzation of
the pharmacy warehouses adducing one hypothesis of savings: to regimen of the entire process of centralization/exsternalizzation
(year a 2006) reduction of costs of approximately 5.200.000 of euro the year had to the management in outsourcing and previews
the estimative contract application and the zero setting of the lyings of property of the sanitary companies.
23 units) e
mployee from the SSR remain a operating costs of the personal druggist (, indicated like staff of the companies dedicated to
the logistics, the indicated cost of outsourcing equal is to 3.1% of the value journeyed to constant warehouse and considered
from 2004 to 2007. Modifications in the consumptions are not previewed; the economies on the costs derive from the
discouragement of the costs on the staff and from the zero setting of the supplyes of property of the Companies ,
from the strong reduction of the other operating costs (rents, users, etc), from the cancellation of the financial burdens
for immobilization of the supplyes.
The costs put into effect them of management of the pharmacy warehouses have been
estimated, in the same document, par to 4,6 % of the journeyed value (comprised the financial burdens for immobilization
of the supplyes). No hypothesis has been made previewing a various organization of the logistics, putting into effect plans of rationalization of the pharmacy
warehouses, optimizing the resources puts into effect them and previewing a management equipped with spaces, but above all
average, technologies adapt and adapted training to you of the attached staff. Main aspects to carefully estimate (points of
critical) in the model assumed in the Business Plan (Accenture) are:
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