UNITEC D (High Tech Industrieprodukte Vertriebs GmbH), is an enterprise to limited
liability, with center to Augsburg (Germany), been born to the end of years ' 80 on initiative of the Italian entrepreneur
Marino Vincenzo , that it had matured important experiences in the within of the field of the great systems
of automation for the construction of motors vehicle to world-wide level.
Such working experience, carried it to characterize
all a series of operating deficiencies and managerial in the logistics and supplyings in those companies that they began to
tighten new relations trade them with enterprises situated in geographically distant markets.
Problematic the showier than
such deficiencies, it concerned in fact the fragmentation of the supplies and nearly the impossibility to coordinate supplyings
also under a temporal point of view.
UNITEC, realized therefore new services, to high added value, that they turned out of
extreme importance for such companies.
The concept of integrated supply was born, through which it allowed to the
companies customers to delegate the supplying activities therefore traditionally to obtain the supplies with more effective
and efficient modalities regarding the methods uses you.
UNITEC, was placed on behalf therefore like risen of office a
purchase-foreign country of such enterprises and where the activity of offered attendance, was justified from the fact that
the foretold one, having all a series of resources and acquaintances, facilitated of fact the implementation to low cost
of relationships trades them with new suppliers.
The enterprises turned out in fact devoid of specific acquaintances of
the new market in which it was gone to operate, beyond that of linguistico type and, therefore, it became indispensable to
arrange of all a series of managerial resources useful to implement an integration of the processes operated to you, logistic
and trained (tasks to you in this case to the several norms lawyers and customs necessary for the sdoganamento of the products
it acquires to you).
The park UNITEC customers, in virtue of the offer of such services and therefore, of the value that the
enterprises obtained thanks to the new modalities of outsourcing and integrated supply, with that in a position to managing and
organizing all is made of supplying, began from endured to increase, recording a progressive increment of its force job,
constituted from professionals of the field, than it was gone around around to annual 40%.
An ulterior acknowledgment of the
activity carried out from the UNITEC, was had with the participation to the activity of the DIN, " Deutsche Institut Für
Normung ", intentional from the same organism, which work to world-wide level for the definition of the emergency norms
generates them in relation to the construction and maintenance of the systems of production and which UNITEC is exactly active
member, exercising to its inside a decisional power, through the formulation of just the ballot, beyond offering technical
For how much it concerns the choice of business geographic localization to the inside of the German area, it is
explained from the fact that just in such area, defined from same the Marino one like a primordiale crucible, was to the
beginning of years ' 80, a high concentration of companies, operating mainly in the automotive field ( Mercedes, BMW,
Porsche, Audios, Volkswagen, Grob, KuKa, MAN, Siemens ..), to the inside of which one developed to a production of
members and products to high technological content, relatively to which the European enterprises particularly were interested
in terms of supply.
For such enterprises, nacque therefore the requirement of having a point of reference which to make
confidence for the development of relationships it trades them with foreign enterprises, UNITEC, prepared therefore one
driven in net of such services logistic and trained to you innovated to concur with said enterprises to you to delegate, all or in part, the activities necessary to organize
all the logistic and administrative flow of the sub-supply relationships.
Such activities in fact, not being of type Core,
would have generated of the advanced costs of inner coordination regarding those of market, delegating instead to UNITEC the
same activities, the enterprises customers participated actively to a driven in net of exchanges trade them with foreign
Countries to contained costs.
Currently, the markets of reference of UNITEC, are not only expanded in European within, thanks also at opening of the Only Market that has favorite is the free circulation of the goodses that a reduction of risks connected to the exchange rates with the introduction of the Euro, but also in international within, where persist still objective difficulties for the enterprises pertaining to the various Countries, held account of the various languages not still totally flavored 29 .
The mission of Unitec GmbH is that one "to transform the fixed costs in variable and ridurli.
To supply means for the reingegnerizzazione of the supplying procedures.
To support the business continuous improvement
and the Quality Management. To generate from every cost a added value. To render the customers free to dedicate itself
totally and calmly to just Core Business ". [ Ciapetti C.L., article published on ].
Such it objects to you come caught up "Reducing the number of suppliers, managing them and training them.
Integrating the supplies so that "a" delivery replaces hundred of arrivals and relati controls and operations to
you of warehouse. And therefore invoicing "a" time to the month instead of migliaia of times.
Unificando currencies,
the terms and the number of the payments to the suppliers.
All these thanks to persons prepared and the computer
science technology, interconnecting in fact our customers with junior clerks to you Internet (NetSourcing) and available
24 hours on the 24 in all languages and from whichever part of the world". [ R. Morelli, article published on ].
That reassumes the concepts compiutamente already illustrates you that they are to the base
of the outsourcing of supplyings and the e-procurement.
The development of the concept of outsourcing for Unitec,
has clearly risentito of the different tipologie of coming from demands from the customers, whose diversities go above
all searched in the contexts and the terms of competition with which they must be confronted.
Just in order to try to
answer in the preciser and directed way how much possible one to the demanded specificities, Unitec has developed the
idea to personalize the own services, in the first place distinguishing the outsourcing in "procedural" and "administrative",
and then structuring them through NetSourcing, the computer science instrument of
Unitec 30 .
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