Leaving from the ascertainment that the number of the procedures of a supplying process increases
in way proporziona they to the number of orders that they become necessary, and from the fact that the management of the size of
information generated they need much time and they engage several resources, Unitec propose themselves like outsourcer external,
in a position to rationalizing and managing the processes legacies to the supplies, through the outsourcing administrative,
that she corresponds to the extended type of outsourcing more.
The introduction of the instrument of the outsourcing
administrative, is aimed specifically to reduce also the inner procedures of administration and control.
Certain that these
last ones, in fact, absorb precious resources and means that strongly are finalized for being employed in others amble to you
more remunerati you: the recovery of efficiency of these business areas passes through their simplification.
Very important
to emphasize like, especially through the outsorucing administrative, the enterprises can obtain from provider the unit prices
many competitive, because, for this last one, it becomes possible to operate coordinating with of the orders of all its customers
towards the suppliers, which, in virtue of the great size of purchases, grant prices lower to you.
However, already it has
been looked at like one of the reasons of greater obstacle to the extended implementation of a outsourcing more, is the fear
to lose the control of the situation as far as the esternalizzate activities; in the same way it had been said that this
difficulty went old, analyzing the economic advantages deriving, considering the possibility of indirect control of the management
of the activities in outsourcing that it happens through the definition of the roles and ambles you to it of competence, and
above all, the guarantee that, through the modularity of the outsourcing, exists always the possibility to extend some or
eventually ridurne the range.
Unitec, for the outsourcing administrative, but also for the outsourcing procedural, has developed one its easy introducibile
modular application in the existing corporate structures, shaped on the business requirements, that the attainment concurs of
immediately turns out to you found, and for every module applied.
The modules predisposed from Unitec are three, and
conceived for being it applies to you in sequenziale order.
With the application of the first module the management of
the simple escapes of the demands for supplying is moved to Unitec without that the property of the goodses comes transferred;
with according to module, to the service of escape of the demands for supplying, relative one to the management of the
logistics and the administrative activities joins that, that it presupposes the transfer of the property of the goodses;
the third applicativo module, extends the outsourcing to the management of the warehouse and the data bank you of
The activities transferable from are endured and it turns out to you are endured quantifiable.
The possible
extensions of the modules can regard some services, like the reporting, that it allows, beyond to a precise consultation
of turn out to you record to you, the analysis of the inner and external interferences and the suggestion of relative the
possible solutions studied for ridurle; moreover they are possible services of international search of suppliers alternated
to you, of modernization on the lists of the prices.
Unitec is made available to the shipment of part of the just personal
near the enterprise customer, for one aimed management more of the operations.
As it will be said better later on,
Unitec is proposed also like inner supplier of software applied to you, created on measure of the found requirements.
Through the complete performance of the outsourcing administrative the inner activities of the administration and the
control are reduced radically: the customer must only interfacciarsi with Unitec communicating the amount and the type of
goods wished with to the term of delivery and receiving the goods demanded with an only invoice and an only bubble of
accompanyment through an only periodic delivery (every day, weekly magazine, salary to second of
requirements 27 ).
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