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Handling & distribution
A interbusiness virtual warehouse
The possibility to conceive virtual warehouses in common between more companies, also concurrent, than however they manage materials, products or however elements of sale or purchase common, so as to exists to save the supplyes, to obtain economies of scale in the purchases, to simplify the administrative management and to improve the level of service to the customers, obtaining in relatively short, smaller times of three years, the return of the investments. Such possibility has been rendered real from UNITEC, a present Italian company in Germany, with center to Gersthofen and in Italy, with center to Sabaudia. This company is before to have developed a managerial software, called Virtual Logistic Platform, equipped of particular algorithms matemati to us, that it can manage the purchases and the sales in common between more companies, to control the book keeping operations, to execute the relative operations to documents trained to you and to supply to the supplyes of a such warehouse. The developed managerial software from UNITEC, supplies in fact to manage and to hold singularly modernized to the several operations of warehouse and withdrawal of money, with bubbles controlled and paid invoices, while the company customer receives for all this one single every invoice month. That concurs a series of advantages, between which the elimination of it reorders, the maintenance of stoccaggi second calibrates the effective needs of every single enterprise, puntualità of supplying, reduction or elimination to you of the controls on the single book keeping operations. As far as the purchases, with this system it comes rendered effective the possibility to carry out cumulative operations, with the effect to obtain better conditions than purchase. Moreover, in urgency and necessity case, compensations of material between various customers can be carried out, putting to disposition of who made some demanded, initially destined supplyes to an other customer. Also this type of operation renders possible to reduce the supplyes in such a way, obtaining an ulterior economic benefit.