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Outsourcing Technologies
The appraisal of a model of application of the Outsourcing can not prescind from the degree of acquaintance and from I use of Information Technologies, let alone from the property of Tools on they bases and proposals to you, from part of the Outsourcing Provider
Vincenzo Marino
The immediate effect...... Reduction of the times and therefore of the costs of communication and Consistency of the information to manage, avoiding that these can be altered from the necessity to put entirety coming from information of detail from more sources in order to obtain the wished Entire information. The development of the Outsourcing Integrated Platform Software used and proposed from the Unitec GmbH, and of the services of continuation cited Internet programming, like pure the planning of the situated Web di Unitec, has been realizes to you from Unitec Services & Web Limited liability company, society been born from the acquired experience from Unitec GmbH in the field of the programming and the technologies Internet Based that integrate atmospheres operated to you standard concurring the communication data transmission with customers and suppliers on the base of requirement finds near ca. 200 companies champion to you. The concept takes body The Outsourcing Integrated Platform Software is totally interfacciabile with mainly diffuse the Managerial Applications in the industrial field without that to these last ones modifications or adaptations must be brought. Its introduction facilta also exceeding the cultural obstacle in great structures where to times decisional levels they are concentrates to you on activity of widening, reduction, decomposition and elimination rather than on a concrete renewal of the procedures, die methods and of the organizations. The know how in the within of the management of the Information, acquired in the course of experiences matured with the own customers, concurs with the Unitec to experience in own house new computer science solutions and data transmissions to propose to the customer to the aim to improve the communication and of enormously velocizzare the access to the information, reducing the times of question and answer. The Unitec GmbH can supply from endured the following services:shipment of demands via Internet: enough to compile a form on Internet in order to send one demanded of offer to Unitec;contact via email: on the situated one web of Unitec you can find all the e-mail addresses in order to contact the staff of the company.Moreover they are currently in development the following services: consultation via Internet of a DataBase of international industrial products, with the possibility to emit orders in real time from whichever part of the world in whichever hour!virtual warehouse (to demand information detailed to care);The Unitec Services & Web Limited liability company are moreover in a position to offering the following services: realization and technical management of Your situated Internet second the most advanced than programming;planning and realization nets Intranet and Extranet; Database publication for the consultation and the modernization via Internet;recording dominions of second level it and com;Housing, that is the management of a serveur Internet dedicated near ns center;connections WAN via Internet (PPTP);specialistic analyses and searches;communication to satellitare;dedicated lines analogic (CDA) or digita them (CDN);logon to Internet via RTC/ISDN;management of mailboxes.For ulterior clarifications and analysis of the Vs. specific requirements to contact: Unitec Services & Web S.r.l. Via Carl Alberrto 17 04016 - SABAUDIA (LT) ITALY Tel. 0039 0773 512022 Fax 0039 0773 511382
or to demand directly near Unitec D High-tech-industrieprodukte VERTRIEBS GmbH Leipziger Strasse 19 D 86368 Gersthofen Germany Tel. 0049 821 247960 Fax 0049 821 2479678