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Milan, 26 May 2000 - it is spoken about new economy as an obliged passage for the corporate structures so that these are adapted to the national and world-wide course of the market. In truth the passage from the old to the new economy previews a total change of technological and mental guideline. The reingegnerizzazione of the inner processes that concurs speed so that all it happens in real time is in the inner connections that with external companies, various persons, products and countries: the dematerializzazione of the products that therefore become transferable in virtual way. These changes not always are realizable if it is not decided to change completely the structure of the company "to cut" insomma with the old outlines. The software realization dedicates you to the problematic detailed lists, personalized for every single customer, renders the business virtualizzazione today possible. In this within I use it of the e-procurement in outsourcing is determining. To optimize supplyings of the necessary materials to the productive chain avoiding stocks in excess or defect, control of the supplyes, reorders, control of the bubbles, the invoices and payment of the same ones receiving in exchange one single invoice month, door to a valued saving in more of 50% on the operating costs, costs for other not always estimates you to the inside of the same companies. In fact every process of supplying, is that it is spoken about material cospicuo that of one simple light bulb, coast to the companies, second of the dimensions of the same ones, between the 250,000 and the 2.500.000. The Unitec society (, with center in Germany and Italy is before in Europe that offers this service to cut complete cycle on measure. Companies of International importance already have entrusted she in order to make part of the new economy and to cut therefore the famous node. A free demonstration of E-Procurement is raggiungibile visiting the situated one of the Unitec and demanding a free access to the Netsourcing application that extension the revolutionary developments that will be had in the business management in the New-Economy.