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EDesign Master
Milan, 13.07.2001
On I invite of the Prof. M. Maiocchi the UNITEC - D, represented from its Vincenzo Marino administrator, has participated with an participation to the Master di Edesign in course near the Polytechnic of Milan. During the lesson the Unitec has illustrated to the students some possibilities offered from the net in redesigns of industrial processes and some of the possible innovations in the business management. To such purpose it has been projected a cortometraggio realized from Unitec from the title it "Screws to you" that, in comic key, extension the habits puts into effect them in the within of the business management. Leaving from the puntualizzazione of some differences of meant between terms of common I use like "Acquiring" and "To provision", Price and Cost, To order and To demand, Epurchasing and Eprocurement, have been followed a dense distance of practical examples us and practicable models. The analysis of the business processes and the calculation of the absorbed resources have been deepened illustrating the differences between the book keeping calculation "for centers of cost" and that one "for activity" second modalities A.B.C. - Activity Based Costing, today more consona to the business requirements and essential for the start of reingegnerizzazioni of the processes. In the within of the methodological bases, they have been made points out to the theories of Vilfredo Pareto, Juran 80/20 and to the distribution statistics of Laplace. The students have actively participated to the "construction" of scenes considering the "net" as element of evolution of puts into effect them managerial standards, stating how much the Edesign are meaningful in the development of new methodologies. Unitec, like leader in the field, has illustrated the evolution of the activities of "supplying" from the procurement to the eprocurement and it turns out to you economic that the companies achieve with the consolidation of the processes obtained with the outsourcing of business processes (B.P.O. Business Process Outsourcing). A corporal good has been demonstrated like is possible "Virtualizzare" in order to transform it in a erogabile service in net and as these possibilities will influence the developments of economic districts and the participants to the creation of the value. Some questions you mail have allowed to point out to some solutions in the within of the transports and the logistics and the transformation in Elogistic. The "Virtual Warehouse" has allowed to the participants the Master to perceive how much and in that way the economy draws advantage from the be possibilities that the net offers. There are illustrates three examples to you:Virtual Hospital - Optimization of the supplyes and the availability in a sanitary district.Cooled Virtual warehouse - I use in the process of transformation of the alimonyVirtual Industrial Cluster - impact on the economy tied to the territory of the industrial districtsSitema the F.A.S.T.E.R. Unitec is used in order "to provoke" a creative participation of the students who have planned together to Unitec an advanced model of logistic inner to one plant with the application of Intranet and extranet and the adoption of Outsourcing and Virtual Warehouse. The participations are use to stimulate "problem solving" and it turns out to you obtained have confirmed that practically all it is "Edesign"abile.