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CHAPTER III To work with Powersim Study: introduction to I use it of the software through a practical example.

3.1 Introduction

In chapter previous they have been introduces the concepts to you and the principles generate them of System Dynamics on which the Powersim software is based.
It is inasmuch as expressing them variable of a problem through graphical rappresentazioni which levels, flows, constants and connectors of information it is possible to visualize a system in graph form more or little complex and to study of just the behavior.
In fact once inserted the conceptual model in the computer through Powersim Study and, defined in appropriate way all variable and the equations that constitute it, can be simulated the model and be seen its behavior in the time.
If it differs from the expectations of the planner it could as an example be that the structure of the model contains errors , like the mistaken definition of some variable ones.

3.2 Example of application : construction and implementation of a model that simulates the management of the warehouse of one manufatturiera industry.

A manifacturing industry is considered that decides to use of the simulation in order to understand better and to study the interactions between the orders of the customers, just the warehouse and the levels of production.
From the moment that the society often states oscillations in just the warehouse and the levels of production, it thinks opportune that the first step in order to resolve this problem is that one to construct a model that explains the relating interactions. Politics of production of the society are that one to increase or to decrementare the level of the warehouse in such way that it is that one wished and to maintain a level of supply enough high to cover the future demand that they expect.
In more the production it is organized so that sixth of the discrepancy between wished inventory and that one puts into effect is corrected they every week.
Their assumptions approximately the future demand are based on the percentage of running order.
This last one represents the real demand that the society faces. Their politics in order to formulate the waited for demand are simple. It is wanted to be corrected eighth of the difference between the real ones and waited for demanded every week.
When their supposizioni, approximately the future question, change, it comes hit their wished level of warehouse and the rate with which they produce objects (widgets).
When the objects are produced they go directly in warehouse. No product can go directly from the production line to the customer; it must go before in the warehouse.
From here that the deliveries leave. Since the society maintains to a greater warehouse four times of what it thinks is necessary anytime, it believes of being able to send the products necessary in order to fulfill to every order.
In this simple model they are not considers therefore the back orders you (backlogs) and their effects to you (an inventory negative would represent a rear job).

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