CHAPTER III To work with Powersim Study: introduction to I use it of the software through a practical example.
The model still is not ended but some of the variable presents can be defined.
The level “Inventory” is defined first of all.
Applying these modifications to scompare “?“on the symbol “Inventory” since the variable one it is hour correctly defined.
However the points interrogated to you on the other variable ones are still present since they still must be defined
in similar way.
Figure 3.8- Window of definition of the property of the variable ones
The time delay (delay) in order to fill up the inventory was six weeks, that it is also the value of the time constant.
In Powersim Study the equation can be introduced that directly defines the variable one in the field in
which the name becomes part, without the necessity to open the window of the property.
This is favorable above all in defining the constants.
Figure 3.9- The equation of the variable one in the symbol of the name of the variable one can be inserted directly
Therefore, at the beginnig of the simulation, in which every thing he is stable can be settare its equal value to that one of the inventory
and therefore 400 < < wdg> > in the same way in which it has been defined “Time to Correct Inventory”.
(“Desired Inventory” - Inventory)/“Time to Correct Inventory”
Expression that goes inserted in the window of definition of the variable “Production”.
Figure 3.10- Window of definition of the variable “Production”
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