The advent of Internet and its affirmation as mass media and sharing of information it could not
not influence the acts of the enterprise, which has benefitted from remarkable solutions that more and more in the time
are being found like strategic for some business functions.
My job is concentrated in the study of the consequences
that Internet has brought in particular to the function Supplyings.
Function that always more is taken advantage
than services of electronic type (E-procurement) and that too much often it underrates or does not come to acquaintance
of the solutions and opportunity that the Net offers.
As J. Rifkin asserted in its It Was of the Access:
the new computer science technologies and of telecommunication allow the companies to create a perfectly fluid connection
between the own activity and that one of the external suppliers: the electronic data processing to you and rings of
instantaneous feedback hold customers and suppliers in constant communication, rendering possible the idea of an extended
company, composed of customers and suppliers who work entirety in order to manage, in real time, the daily operativity
The Information and Communication Technology, therefore has pushed towards a substantial reconfiguration of the Supply Chain,
which has risentito remarkablly of the constant progresses of the electronic technologies in the jam of the cost of the
transactions connected with the outsourcing.
A first scope of elaborated mine is therefore that one to describe to the
new relations and configurations in action to the inside of the supply chain, in logon with the several reasons of technological
nature and not only.
I have thought moreover necessary to describe several to the instruments puttinges to disposition from the ICT in the
development of supplying solutions, which can allow, supporting an exchange of relational type or one simple discreet
transaction, the implementation of a E-Procurement of transaction or relational type.
In particular in this last case, instruments like the Enterprise Resource Planning or the Corporate Portals, they decidedly
turn out effective in the creation of the extensive company and in that management of the daily operativity,
it mentions to you from Rifkin.
The constant technological increase, accompanied from a greater predisposition
of the entrepreneur, has created moreover fertile land for the innovation.
In particular I have wished to stop
to me to along just on the innovative concept of Virtual Warehouse, promoted in these years from Unitec, an operating
company in the distribution of services of supply for the enterprises.
This innovation above all encloses the concepts
of outsourcing of the activities not re-entering in Core business and the use of the Information and Communication
Technology in the supplying procedures.
The Virtual Warehouse represents a revolutionary method of management of
the supplyes to the inside of an industrial district, and is a concept that encloses the elements through which the
web it has influenced the economy therefore like the society in a generalized manner: the virtuality and the
commercialization of the time and the space.
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