3.4.2 Outsourcing
We have already observed as the constitution of a Virtual Warehouse demands the sharing of warehouse
Any shape of sharing demands, but, the passage of some powers (decisional and economic) from the single
enterprises to a governmental authority of the entire group.
In order to plan and to manage a district net it is necessary
that two conditions are come true:
3,4,3 Entrepreneurial abilities
The several circumstances that have carried to the phase of recess of these years,
have taught to us as not always the innovation finds fertile land around to if.
Often in fact, permangono some circumstances
in which it is too much legacies to hierarchical relations of power are to the inside of the company, than between several
the inner actors to the supply chain.
An optical of short period, capacity ahead from logic of the survival year for year,
badly is conciliated with an organizational innovation like that one of the Virtual Warehouse.
The same thing happens in a generalized manner, for all the organizational innovations, in which it comes underrated
the necessity of an approach, programmatico of along period, and integrated between more partner of the Supply Chain with
it objects to you common, for the attainment of one more strong competitiveness than it arranges.
In a market in which the competition it goes progressively increasing itself, it becomes of fundamental importance the
Unfortunately the cases are not rare in which today, entire industrial districts, or other agglomerations
above all in the manifacturing field are looked at, in serious difficulty in front of the been left over one of the
competitiveness of production in other underdeveloped nations, like China.
E' in these cases that an innovation as the
Virtual Warehouse can play a fundamental role for the competitiveness of cost of the arrange-district.
More in a generalized manner, it goes felt the necessity to join the efforts, since, even if the advantages deriving
from localization go slowly flattening because of the development of the computer science, sussiste technologies anchor
cospicuo a patrimony of acquaintances that can be amplified.
The Information and Communication Technology, cross and
delight of traditional entities like the districts, can constitute therefore, a resource key for the sharing of these
acquaintances, through instruments advances you of management of the Supply Chain, like the Corporate Portals or, more
better still the systems than ERP, of which I have already spoken in the previous pages.
The idea of Virtual Warehouse, therefore like all the of outsourcing procedural, or better than outsourcing
administrative, involves the renunciation from part of the entrepreneur of part of its sovereignty.
This happens difficultly in the systems in which it is stretched to conserve a rigid and hierarchical organization,
founded on force ratios with the own suppliers and/or customers, than does not offer space to the collaboration.
a closed entrepreneurial behavior of this type is most times synonymous of insufficient abilities, and a
counter-productive optical too much tied to the result of short period.
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