2.1 Definition and ambles you of application
The digital technologies represent them one important opportunity for all the corporate structure.
In particular a function that can draw remarkable benefits in terms of rationalization of the own resources and discouragement
of the costs is the function acquires.
This above all if we consider that the Electronic Procurement, that is the use of Internet and its junior clerks to you in the
supplying process, has concurred to realize in the great part of the companies that puts into effect it in constant way,
a lessening of the costs in average that goes from 8% to 12% on the total of the purchases in the enterprises of great dimensions,
while in those of piccole/medie dimensions the medium saving turns out of 5% approximately.
Even if the benefits are not resolved in the single greater efficiency of the supplying process, however it can represent one
decisive source of competitive advantage for the enterprise.
That has been begun to understand sin from years ' 70, when
first systems EDI (Electronic Delivery of Invoice were developed in the companies of great dimensions), that they allowed
the treatment of elevates to you quantitati you of give to you with greater facility.
The E-Procurement can change the
means with which the enterprise it can provision and facilitate it, but however does not change the methods that this uses
in order to resupply itself of the materials of which it needs.
The enterprises continue to having need to examine the
market in order to obtain the more congenital products and services to it.
Like from script, they must analyze their markets,
the inner question, estimate the own expense and negotiate new agreements with the suppliers.
The E-Procurement does not
interest the single conclusion of the transaction trades them (supplying), but I use it of the Internet-based instruments you
turn to the improvement of the efficiency and of the effectiveness of supplyings it is also useful in the definition of
the phase of product development and of the successive production (figure 9).
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