As we see in figure 5, when the costs of inner organization are greater regarding the transaction
costs, the enterprise more efficient resorting Market and therefore esternalizzando will be determined activity.
To this point, that that the entrepreneur question is itself: what to externalization? Which function? Better to externalization
the entire function or determines processes to you?
Various formulas of outsourcing exist in fact to second of the yielded business activities to thirds party.
In particular, it can be procedural or administrative.
The outsourcing procedural in supplyings the customer consists
substantially in delegating to thirds party iter of supplying of the enterprise.
He turns out, in fact, that one normal procedure of supplying can succeed in to demand until fifty/sixty chain
operations, that they can be involved until a ten of several business units of levels, from the direction to the productive units,
for a number of persons who medium go around themselves between ten and twenty units
8 .
This with of the costs elevates you for the enterprise customer, above all considering that the same costs of supplying are
supported are for the purchase of matters that enter directly in the business typical activity, are for indirect or so-called
materials non-production goods.
Figure 6: The elevated number of transactions turned to one multitude of suppliers, with consequent overload of job
for the administration of plant 9 .
Just these last ones, not needing in kind of a garrison directed from part of the buying enterprise, can easy be esternalizzati
in their procedure of purchase.
An innovative solution of procedural esternalizzazione of supplying is represented from the integrated supply.
Unitec D. distributes from various years this service, with the result to render the enterprises in the phase of supply, and
above all of flessibilizzare the costs based on the demands for the enterprise more efficient customer.
With the system of
the Integrated Supply the possibility is obtained to reduce the number of the suppliers, of the transactions and the inner
costs of supplying.
The system of the Integrated Supply not modification in some way, in the phase begins them, the normal
process of purchase already consolidated to the inside of the company.
The demands come emitted and managed like of customary but addressing them to an only interlocutor (figure 7), and contain
typically produced of various constructors at the same time.
An other great advantage is the possibility to control, to
the acceptance of the goodses, a greater number of positions in one single operation.
To this Unitec point it analyzes to the demands and integral in one the single offer, carrying out the total supply with only
invoice, integrating, second the necessities of the customer also transports 10 .
In the outsourcing procedural, the control remains in the hands of the company customer, in fact we can associate this type of
esternalizzazione of a not strategic activity and to a outsourcing of base.
Figure 7: System of integrated supply Unitec 11 .
With the outsourcing administrative instead it is not spoken about esternalizzazione of simple business processes, but rather
than an entire business function.
The main objective of such maneuver is essentially in the reduction of the administration
procedures and control of the interested function.
Between the by nature more easy adjustable activities such back solution,
is sure the logistic function and of warehouse.
In fact, above all in this within the administrative procedures and of
control absorb precious resources that could be employed in remunerative activities.
All that corresponds perfectly to the tendency in action in our more and more uncertain and turbulent atmosphere, to the
organizational simplification and the transformation of the costs from fixed to variable, with one always minor incidence of
the immobilized understood one them in the structure of the business patrimony.
In this within, Unitec adds to the service
of escape of the demands for supplying, that one of the logistic management and the connected administrative activities, in
order to arrive to an ulterior applicativo module, that it extends the outsourcing to the management of the warehouse and
the data bank you of articles, introducing concepts innovated to you like that one of Virtual Warehouse in an industrial
- Notes 8: They give features to you from the situated one
- Notes 9: Outline drawn from the situated one
- Notes 10: Information drawn from the situated one
- Notes 11: Outline drawn from the situated one