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4 example in the context of the DVP project
4.2 target concept: Possible changes
Possible changes are possible on different levels. On the one hand changes in the code and/or in the structure of the entire program can increase the software quality criteria, on the other hand can to level of the Web surface the criterion of the usability on the basis the DIN ISO 9241-10 further be specified.
Integrativ can be facilitated thereby the procedure for inserting new Plugins.
4.2.1 changes on code level The prototypische program for and the VDRSoftware used here pluginbasiert configured is not object-oriented written.
The procedural allocation of the program code and the use of Templates are however already fundamental steps for the re-use of parts, use however not yet the full extent, which object orientation offers.
The principal purposes are here the increase of the software quality, reusability and the reduction of the expenditure, necessary are around a further Plugin to be integrated, e.g. by certain automations. Thus primarily the following considerations result:
General changes on code level |
- More precise and more meaningful designation of the procedures
- Summary of the XML fragments into a uniform document
- Development of a generally accepted pattern for XML files
- Uniform automatic generation of a dynamic HTML stand
- Dynamic providing of the diagrams
- More flexible shapes that CD around the program for a migration and/or integration into other environments (see chapter
- Changes of the listing structure, in order to avoid a double installation of the Plugins (see for this table 29)
- Extension by further Plugins to be taken in order to be able to transact e.g. photographs, possible Plugins are from appendix C
- Integration of the external program sections into the main program
- Reduction of the expenditure of a Pluginintegration
- RH documentation
Table 30: Changes of the program code
The object-oriented programming concepts presented in chapter 3 help to convert the program and to improve so the re-use and maintenance to be able to derive and in a later version in the sense of the Generativen of programming with the help of a generator automatically variants.
In addition the existing characteristic model must be transferred into a form, one automatic deriving from family members made possible.
For the better structuring of the object-oriented program then the advantages of object orientation can to be e.g. used as transmission, in order to realize the goals of the computer family development. To weigh however the expenditure and the use of the restructuring remain with small programs. To use the so following concepts presented in chapter 3.2 leave themselves:
Polymorphismus: Polymorphismus is as in each object-oriented language a task of standard. Python places to it a multiplicity to reports polymorphen on to order and gives the possibility own reports to provide. Conceivablly would here e.g. be in practical application the allocation of an application of methods for start and stop to a Plugin
to the running time175.
Draft sample: Samples can be used or be able also in Python to be again developed here. Conceivable it would be to be created e.g. in the again structured program a Klassenkonstrukt after the sample "prototypes ", which regulates the diagram representation, the structure of HTML or the XML generation of new Plugins, because the sample "prototype "has the task by the use of a prototypischen copy new objects by copying to
produce 176.
Aspect-oriented programming: As orthogonale summary of technical details apart from semantics aspect-oriented programming regulates right examinations,
persistence, synchronisation of data, object interactions, parameter transfers etc. and increases thereby the reusability "of the filtered "code parts enormously.
Conceivable here e.g. a routine in the practical example, which examines before program start, would be whether for the firmware or for the VDR software and its Plugins
update are available177.
- 175: See [Lani 2000] P. 231 FF
- 176: See [Gamm 1996] P. 144 FF
- 177: For modpython the Apacheservers gives it in the meantime an aspect-oriented Framework named Pylets. More to it under [OSTG 2004]