3 configuration options of software
The evaluation of the configuration concepts, which are used within the range Linux, becomes difficult on the first view, since the question touches also the fundamental discussion around Windows or Linux. Linux is a prime example for the use of simple text files for depositing attitudes. This basic adjustment, '' Everything is A file '' is pursued since its developing history by groups of developers with different goal.
Since these differences become also not in the future less, it is not to be foreseen that it will give a uniform system with Linux. On the one hand this attitude forces a larger research field, on the other hand gives this development less area for a generally accepted total concept.
These basic adjustments have however a crucial advantage opposite Windows, which is exemplarily represented by the two example illustrations of the KDE: Each change of the system, all the same whether by console, graphic surface is or direct interference into the configuration file logically and fast comprehensibly. That is to the one much responding, since everything can be changed fast by hand, besides is it, if it does not concern system files, not as riskily as an interference into the Windows Registry.
On the other hand one must find and recognize these files only once in the file system, in which format, This XML, Registry are written or C-similarly, them. The developers of application software have it under Linux comparatively simply.
Interfaces to other programs or libraries are, like each source code also, well-known and can be used, in order to use system-far data.
A summary of the pro and cons of linux basedly configuration concepts:
Evaluation of linux basedly Configuration concepts158
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