2 bases and introduction
Also under Windows there is official liveCD, which is however not freely accessible. Therefore these CD
for private users one modified.
In order to go around legal problems, for it a program was written,
which original CD of a Windows of operating system makes the production for owners possible own liveCD.
Windows PE is liveCD, with which it boat-ends itself around 130 MT a
large Windows variant of XP or the Windows of 2003 servers acts. The CD can be referred however only by Microsoft wholesale
dealers and used. There the CD for the first installation by Windows and application programs with new PCs for the trade one uses.
Beard PE, and/or beard' s PE, is '' the for everyone version '' from Windows PE, which gives it since April 2003.
In addition belongs to 150 MT large liveCD with a Windows reserve system and a flexible Plugins as well as the possibility of burning
additional Tools on the CD.
For the production of these CD the program PE Builder of
beard Lagerweij is necessary. The beard PE software comes thus not from Microsoft, must however, since legal, are approved
of, because everyone, which a current Windows has 2000 and more highly and the pertinent installation CD, can provide with
the software own liveCD with network support and remote access as well as to graphic surface.
The system is conceived thereby openly and can individually be adapted; other programs can be copied into the listing which can be burned also inside, an additional XML and an info file provide for the necessary linkages and system attitudes for the Registry.
Besides various Plugins can be referred in the Internet. Special value is put here on the fact that beard PE data of NTFS and Fat32 partitions can read and write. Repaired with that CD can become secured Windowsinstallationen, copied or worked on and data. The standard environment becomes transportable as mini Windows, straight for administrators a useful program. Beard PE offers thus all advantages of Linux liveCDs.
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