2 bases and introduction
LiveCD is often linux based, necessary for
working neither the non removable disk still another partition boatable CD with an operating system. It runs completely and directly from CD,
DVD or a USB stick; is not necessary an installation.
The operating system is only written into the main memory and used so a virtual non removable disk. Configurations can be made and become
however then on disk or USB stick stored. The program can besides data media such as non removable disks, USB sticks, disks or CDs access.
Under Linux the matured hardware recognition makes Kudzu17 possible.
Besides their employment is completely independent from software on the PC, already installed. A aufw working, but temporarly the RAM occupied and administers itself. A collection at application software offers such CD after a certain focus. Them are not pure boat or aid programme CD.
Application type of liveCDs |
Evaluation of a Live-CD24 |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
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