- [Alex 2004] Mathias Riebisch et al.: Alexandria Methodology Home. to www.theoinf.tu-ilmenau.de/~pld/ DO Ilmenau, 2004. Call: 12.06.2005.
- [Apac 2005] The Apache software Foundation http://httpd.apache.org/docs/misc/FAQ.html call: 23.06.2005.
- [Arno 2005] Arne Arnold and Christian Mohr: Implementation in the Domain and Application engineering - technical aspects of software product lines. http://www.informatik.fh-mannheim.de/~knauber/MSc-MSI/B03_midQual.pdf FH Mannheim, 2005. Call: 15.07.2005.
- [Balz 2001] Helmut Balzert: Text book of the software technology, software development. 2. Edition, 1. Reproduction, spectrum academic publishing house GmbH, 2001.
- [Bato 2005] Don Batory: Feature Oriented Programming for Product LINEs. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/schwartz/BatoryTutorial.pdf call: 14.07.2005.
- [Build 2000] Günter farmer: Was based software - an introduction to modern concepts of software engineering. Friedr. Vieweg & son publishing house company ltd., Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 2000.
- [Benz 2003] Michael Benz: Introduction to the Generative programming. http://esche.fzi.de/proseminare/SS2003/Ausarbeitungen/GP-Ausarbeitung.pdf FZI research center computer science, 2003. Call: 18.07.2005.
- [Bodn 2005] Ladislav Bodnar: DistroWatch.com: PUT the fun bake into computing. Use Linux, BSD. http://distrowatch.com call 16.04.2005.
- [Fount 1998] Günter fount: Work with the registration of Windows 98. Microsoft press Germany, 1998.
- [Brüg 2005] Hans's H. Brüggemann: Generators for data base systems. http://www.dbs.uni-hannover.de/~jb/#generatoren University of Hanover, 2005. Call: 23.05.2005.
- [CT-SO 2004] C' T special edition: Cinema at home. Heise publishing house magazines, 2004.
- [Czar 1998] Krzysztof Czarnecki: Generative Programming - Principles and Techniques OF software engineering Based on Automated Configuration and fragment Based Component Models. To thesis to DO Ilmenau, 1998.
- [Czar 2000] Krzysztof Czarnecki and Ulrich W. Eisenecker: Generative Programming - Methods, Tools and Applications. Addison-Wesley publishing house, 2000.
- [Czar 2001] Krzysztof Czarnecki, Lutz Dominick, Ulrich W. Eisenecker: Aspect-oriented programming in C++. http://www.heise.de/ix/artikel/2001/08/143/ Heise publishing house, 2001. Call: 03.07.2005.
- [Czar 2001-2] Dr. - engineer Krzysztof Czarnecki: Generative programming and the development of software system families. to http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/informatik/HomePages/Betriebssysteme/IFKOLL/ 2001/docs/k53.pdf DO Chemnitz, 2001. Call: 20.06.2005.
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- [DVB-O 2005] DVB - The standard OF The digitally World. http://www.dvb.org call: 03.04.2005.
- [DVBT 2005] TechniSat digitally GmbH: DVB-T - the digital over all television. http://www.dvb-t-portal.de call: 05.04.2005.
- [DVP 2005] Detlef Streitferdt: Digitally video Project. http://proinf.de/DVP call: 08.04.2005.
- [Ice 2002] Ulrich W. Eisenecker, Mathias Henss, Markus long, max of Schlee: Generative programming. http://www.old.netobjectdays.org/pdf/02/papers/indepth/gen_progr_text.pdf call: 19.06.2005.
- [Ice 2002-2] Ulrich W. Eisenecker, Mathias Henss, Markus long, max of Schlee: Generative programming. Foil set. http://www.old.netobjectdays.org/pdf/02/slides/indepth/gen_progr_folien.pdf call: 19.6.2005.
- [Ice 2003] GP-WEB team of the professional school Kaiserslautern, project manager Professor Dr. Ulrich W. Eisenecker et al.: Generative programming for Web-oriented software system families. http://gp.informatik.fh-kl.de/index.php?goto=home ?=de FH Kaiserslautern, 2003. Call: 12.06.2005.
- [Ice 2003-2] Ulrich W. Eisenecker and Christof A. Hurst: Generative programming for Web-oriented software system families - a E-/Web-Learning-project. Project report. GP-WEB team of the professional school Kaiserslautern. http://gp.informatik.fh-kl.de/downloads/doku/Projektbericht.pdf FH Kaiserslautern, 2003. Call: 12.06.2005.
- [Ice 2003-3] Ulrich W. Eisenecker et al.: Generative programming for Web-oriented software system families. Kick off Meeting. http://gp.informatik.fh-kl.de/downloads/kickoff/fh_kl_eisenecker.pdf FH Kaiserslautern, 2003. Call: 12.06.2005
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- [Fords 2005] Forumdeluxx: Your Guide for Luxurious hardware. http://www.forumdeluxx.de/ call: 12.04.2005
- [Fres 2005] Fresh ISOs, like mum used ton burn: Linuxiso.org. http://www.linuxiso.org/ call: 22.04.2005
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- [Gamm 1996] Erich gamma et al.: Draft sample - elements again usable object-oriented software. 1996, 1. Edition, Addison Wesley Longman publishing house GmbH.
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- [GNO-D 2005] GNOMES Germany. http://www.gnome-de.org/gnome-2.8.php call: 06.06.2005.
- [Gruh 2004] Volker Gruhn: Selected chapters of the software technology - tests. ebus.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/www/media/lehre/st-test04/st-test04-ve11-ppt.ppt University of Leipzig, 2004. Call: 22.07.2005.
- [Hand 2005] Dr. Haimo L. Handl: Handl management Consulting. http://www.handl.net call: 01.07.2005.
- [Hatt 2005] Rainer Hattenhauer: Linux Livesysteme - Knoppix, Ubuntu, Morphix, Kanotix & CO. Galileo press GmbH Bonn, 2005.
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- [INPR 2005] Web Design, EDP & telecommunication company: INPROT. http://www.inprot.at call: 01.07.2005.
- [Inte 2005] Interlogin software GmbH. http://www.interlogin.net call: 01.07.2005.
- [Java 2005] Sun Developer network: Products and Technologies. http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans/ call: 20.06.2005.
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- [KDE 2005] K Desktop Environment - Conquer your Desktop! http://www.kde.org/ call: 31.05.2005.
- [Knop 2005] Klaus Knopper: Live Linux file system on CD. http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/ call: 15.03.2005.
- [Cook 2004] Thomas's cook and Mirko Dölle: LinVDR news. http://linvdr.org/projects/ call: 23.04.2005.
- [Kofl 2003] Michael Kofler: Linux - installation, configuration, application. Addison-Wesley publishing house, 2003.
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- [Lin g 2005] Linux Gazette | Making Linux just A little more fun! http://www.linuxgazette.com call: 23.04.2005
- [Lin m 2005] Linux magazine - the magazine for Linux Professionals. http://www.linux-magazin.de call: 14.06.2005.
- [Lin t 2005] LinuxTag 2005. http://www.linuxtag.org call 06.05.2005.
- [Lin u 2003] LinuxUser - the magazine for practice - LinuxUser 06/2002: GNOMES 2. http://www.linux-user.de/ausgabe/2002/06/058-gnome2/gnome2.html call: 24.06.2005.
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- [PC-MA 2005] PC magazine on-line one, with news, test, tip, information http://www.pc-magazin.de. Call: 03.05.2005.
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- [Saou 2005] Matthias Saou: Welcome ton of freshrpms.net. Simple, clean… and RPM of packages. http://www.Freshrpms.net call: 16.05.2005.
- [Schm 2005] Klaus Schmidinger: VDR project. http://www.cadsoft.de/people/kls/vdr call: 20.04.2005.
- [Schö 2005] Melanie Schöppe, Martin Rulsch: Digital video project on boat CD. To academic year work to DO Ilmenau, 2005.
- [Schw 2005] Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg: Object-oriented component architectures. http://www.com-komponenten.de call: 19.06.2005.
- [Seib 2005] Siegfried Seibert: Signpost/guide. Training meetings in the SS 2005. http://www.siegfried-seibert.de/Wissensspeicher/PMGlossar FH Darmstadt. Call: 01.07.2005.
- [Snee 2001] Harry. M Sneed: Object-oriented Reengineering. http://www.caseconsult.de/fileadmin/internet/files/papers/HS_GI_OOReengineering- 1-2001.pdf call: 10.07.2005.
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- [Stru 2005] Wolfgang stalk: Softwarearchitektur.de. www.softwarearchitektur.de call: 12.07.2005.
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- [VDR-P 2005] the VDR portal. http://www.vdr-portal.de call: 24.04.2005.
- [VDR-W 2005] the Wiki reference book to the video disk recorder (VDR) by Klaus Schmidinger. http://www.vdr-wiki.de call: 24.04.2005.
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