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The performances in the virtual logistic
The speech is centered to this point on the comparisons of effectiveness between the real
and virtual systems , that is the comparison between the waited for performance
and therefore of requirement for which it res-use a physical system - and the performance offered
from the virtual system.
It is from emphasizing like, in literature, the appraisals with respect to I use of a virtual system
are carried out mainly on the scale of the flexibility: temporaneitą of the relationships and
speeds of reconfiguration are object it more invocati from who analyze the transitions to you
of the companies towards the virtuality ; in truth but these elements,
and the flexibility in a generalized manner, while they can be considers you of the scopes,
would not have to be used like term of comparison of the virtual systems against the real systems:
the flexibility increment in fact is intrinsically comprised in the concept of virtuality
( Syler and Schwager , 2000).
Rather, online with how much end said here, the appraisal of the performances of the system in
connection with its cost - that that constitutes the effectiveness of a system - could constitute
a modality of compares more corrected.
While every virtual solution will be clearly more flexible of the real corrispettiva, not necessarily
this will offer better performances or will be implementabile to minor a cost.
As far as the performances, evidently the teleconference for a job reunion offers lower
performances regarding the physical presence of a reporter, while the virtual
transportation described in the case of the Florists Transworld Delivery
the delivery of the bouquet in an unattainable time in the case of the physical transfer
concurs, therefore in this case the performances of the virtual system exceeds those of the
real system.
From the point of view of the costs, of other part, the realization of a system of virtual
manufacturing can be convenient single in the case of treatment of extremely expensive or
particular materials or limits to you in the number.
It is therefore possible to represent the various virtual systems on matrix costs performances,
in which the point centers represents they the values of the real system, like that
one represented in Fig. 1.
Fig 1: Matrix for the appraisal of the virtualizzazione techniques
Based on the interpretation of the virtualitą for degrees, we would not have to a priori discard
the localizzabili techniques in the riquadro low on the left since a greater expense
and one smaller performance regarding the real system could be sacrifice in try to you of the
greater flexibility that contraddistingue the virtual systems.
On this matrix the various techniques can be localized with which it is attempted to implement
the three concepts that, in the previous paragraphs, we have characterized to be to the base
delta virtualitą, that is virtual stockholding ,
virtuat transportation , virtual processing .
extracted from: Schiraldi, M.M, "virtuality and virtual logistic", final relation
Plan by Youngers Investigators / co-financing MURST, University of the Studies of Rome
Tor Vergata, Rome, 2001."