This page has been automatically translate with Google from the Italian language. ![]() Internet Online Information .................................................................................................. Unitec, surveys and outskirtses With beyond 10 mila visits to the month and 60 mila visionate pages, the Unitec site it has become a reference for the attache's to the jobs that find useful information and services to the development of their activities. With this service we propose ourselves to collect the opinions of the specialists who visit to us and to publish some turns out you for the common guideline. We wish to together construct you an informative picture of public usefullness. You propose the Vs to us. Quick Polls ... we will select to them and that more demanded they will be proposed in the situated one. The surveys will be of varied kind from the simple demands for information, to specific questions on Outsourcing, E-Commerce, Purchases, Supplyings, New Economy. The new surveys will remain always consultabili while the Quick Polls will be in Home Page for 2/4 weeks. In order to participate to the survey he is sufficient to choose one of the answers available and to make click on the key '' Send '' and in order to observe the course to press on the key '' Result ' '. .................................................................................................. |