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The supplyes of every enterprise that participates to the plan, diminish immediately but, paradoxicalally, of it it increases the availability. The transformation of "a physical" object in "virtual" is realized conjugating the "possession of a good" to the possibility of "access to a good". The Virtual Warehouse is in fact an expression of the use that can be made of these possible transformations. It is the physical state of the objects, than their virtual state, they come considers you to the inside of the M.V. for which, we can define it, like a physicist-computer science hybrid . The sharing of the information , then allows to rationalize and to esternalizzare the management of the supplyes, physically present in the business warehouses. Through the M.V. in fact, the supplyes are represented from the sum of the members, rendered available from the enterprises participants to the same M.V. and that they operate in one same territory. The model therefore, finds its particular point of reference in the industrial districts, where the possibility is given to share raw materials, semifinished and replacement parts. With the M.V., one offers to all the enterprises of the district, a reduction of the supplyes to stoccare , without but to have to renounce to a ready availability of the same ones in case of necessity and, this, thanks to a managerial, logistic and computer science system that allows to the control in real time of all the necessary information for the co-ordinate and total management in I use of the same supplyes. In case of I use of supplyes from part of a company, beyond the limits of the own availability, Unitec, through the computer science system, it immediately supplies to the withdrawal of money of the goods from the warehouse of a company pertaining to the same district (or neighbor), and to I reorder of the same goods the supplier. The entire district, works therefore like an only factory where, the M.V., is constituted physically from with of the property warehouses of the various companies, the whose management but, comes entrusted virtually, to Unitec. The obtainable economies to the inside of the industrial districts, have therefore a great impact on all the chain of the national value. The enterprises can consequently reorganize their supplyes in function exactly of the availability of the M.V. and the own operating necessities. The participants can therefore demand online the delivery of the materials of which they need and this, 24 hours on 24 . With the M.V. therefore, the management of the supplyes comes standardized and the recycle obsolescences, therefore to allow an increase of the spin of warehouse and the availability of understood them, the before bound with the existence of one management of traditional type. The companies interconnected in such system, also have therefore the guarantee of an availability of matters, that it goes quite beyond that one possessed previously, not being the present supplyes in their warehouse. Obviously, more enterprises participate to the such implementazione of solutions, minors will turn out the quotas matters to store, and parallel, greater they will be the quotas matters available. Fabio Ulgiati |