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Quality, finance, holding and communication: The frontiers of the enterprise
of the XXI century
Mario Pagliaro
chemical Investigator and manageriale maker to the National Research Council to the Institute of
the nanostrutturati materials, has founded to Palermo one new School of international chemistry of
standing and an other of manageriale formation note as Quality College of the CNR with which it has
formed in innovative way hundred of entrepreneurs, manager and young people graduated of every part
of Italy on the strategic topics of relatori the contemporary enterprises making to take part to its
course of the level of Giacomo Silvestri, Claudius Santori, Leoluca Bordering, Bonfiglioli Roman,
Antonello Perricone and Antonio Tombolini, But Thin, Alex Sorokin and Igor Righetti and siglando
partnership with organizations like the University "Mouthfuls", Interenergy, Igor Righetti Communication,
Bonfiglioli Consulting. Author of the book of management " Scene. Quality. The ideas and the methods
of the enterprises of XXI the century "and auditor acclimatize characterized them from Fita
Confindustria, Pagliaro love to discuss and to write of strategy of enterprise and neurolinguistica
programming, of Internet and sostenibile development, communication and management.
It has lead activity of formation near numerous Italian enterprises and is between the
"Friends and Family" of SustainAbility (London), and from the Italian Associations Responsible
Italian business qualities (Arqua) and Development sciences of the communication (Aiscom).
Leader in USA, Israel, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and United Kingdom collaborates with Rosaria
Ciriminna and Italian enterprises and Groups of search and is member of the American Chemical
Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry.
From 1994 to 1998 he has worked in Holland, Israel and in France where he has had I privilege
to work with Arjan de Nooy and David Avnir, introducing numerous new technologies chemistries
of industrial importance;
and he has given presentations of its job to numerous international Conferences.
In 2002 an interview to has rilasciato that represents its
thought well on the quality and the communication;
between the other sheets, it has written for the Barber of the Evening , Republic ,
the Courier of the Evening , Hamlet and Ticonzero .
" Until I will go well to persons as she -- the greatest Italian economist has said of he,
Marcello De Cecco -- I will think myself more than satisfied ". Greater
biographical information on the Dr. Pagliaro
are on-linens on the situated one web of the Quality College of the CNR.
Francesco Giavazzi ,
from Milan, teaching of political economy to the University "Luigi Mouthfuls" of Milan is one of the
greatest Italian economists.
Research fellow and member of the executive committee of the CEPR (the Centre for Economic Policy
Research) of London, and research associated of the NBER (the National Bureau of Economic Research)
of Cambridge (Massachussets), ago part of the strategic Committee of the French Treasure and the
Group of the economic advisers of the president of the European Commission.
Already economic councilman of the Prime Minister during the Government Of Alema (1998-2000),
Giavazzi from the ' 92 to the ' 94 has been also general manager for the privatizations and
the management of the public debit to the Ministry of the treasury.
From 1992, year of the privatization, to the conclusion of the OPA launch from the Assurances
Generates them, has been member of the executive board and of the executive committee of
INA S.P.A. and, in representation of the same INA, vice president of the Bank of Naples from
1998 to 2000.
Graduated in electrical engineering to the Polytechnic of Milan in 1972 and with a doctorate
in economy to the Massachusets Institute of Technology (1978), in 1990 has contributed to create
the Institute for the economic search dedicated to Innocenzo Gasparini, combined initiative
of the NBER, the CEPR and the "Mouthfuls".
Economic Editorialista scratching of the
Courier of the Evening of which more times it asks the quotation in Ag, is between the founders
of the situated one of political critic and socioeconomica .
On the pages of the first national daily paper to you open them of this year has been protagonist of
an instructive comparison with the general manager of the Confindustria,
" Not e' the sparsity of the aids of State that she prevents to our enterprises to make
research and development. Of aids to the enterprises ve of they are also too many.
Little search is made because there are too many unearned incomes, not because lacks the
contributions publics.
The Parisi like an enterprise is never asked dottor, like Benetton, than for years it has dominated
to the international markets thanks to its extraordinary innovative ability, hour is mostly
taken care to collect tolls to the cases of the freeways...
Other advanced Country does not exist no in which the organization that stops the monopoly of
the representation of the entrepreneurs possesses the greater economic daily paper.
We can have various opinions on the opportunity financial institution to carry in Ag <
IlSole-24 Hours >.
According to me, as I propose from some years, also < the Courier of the Evening > would
have great benefits from the quotation.
They believe the Italian entrepreneurs to me: from the quotation in Ag of "Sole-24 Hours" they would
draw great advantages, and not only monetary ".
The slid July has exalted "the vital force of the shining ideas" telling history of Colomban Maximum
and of Brevini the creator siblings of Italian enterprises that, write, " sorridono reading of
the worries of the minister Tremonti for the force of the euro and of the Chinese exports" .
It collaborates also with Project Syndicate, the archives article on-linens written from economists
of several countries.
30 January 2004 takes part to Palermo to the Quality College of the CNR in order to speak about
" the free competition like motor of the quality ".
Francesco Meneguzzo,
investigator of the Institute of biometeorology of the National Research Council (
Ibimet-Cnr ) dov' is responsible of the Observatory of the
Climate is university professor to contract near the Course of bachelor in Sciences and technologies
for the atmosphere to the University of Pisa.
The Observatory of the Climate answers to the opportunities and the questions of search of base and
applied in the field of sciences of the climate and the ecosystems leading plans of search and
applications to national and international level, in collaboration with other institutes and
centers of search, and participating to other lines of search of the Institute in a
multidisciplinary context.
In particular, the Observatory leads searches on the variability and the tendencies of the total
and regional climate, the characterization of the climatic risks us and the impacts on the
natural systems and the civil and productive systems, the dynamics modellistica and
acclimatizes them of the land systems and the application of the statistical methods to
the climatic analysis.
Between the main committenti of these searches, the ministry of the Instruction, University
and Search, that one of the Atmosphere, the presidency of the Council, the European Commission
and great national enterprises.
The geographic areas of more frequent application of the climatic analyses are the North Atlantic,
Europe, the Mediterranean, equatorial Africa and northern, the monsoniche areas, and Meneguzzo is
taken care of the coordination and often of the execution of the searches of the Observatory and
participates like coordinator or investigator to European Plans.
Author of numerous jobs publishes to you in the scientific literature, in understood them of
university books and in technical relationships for Agencies of international research and
development, professor the Meneguzzo has introduced turns out to you of its searches to
numerous international conventions and taught in Master university and operating course
professional of formation for of civil protection and experts it acclimatizes them.
Previsore E' be meteorological near the Laboratory for the meteorology and the modellistica
acclimatizes them of the Ibimet-Cnr, currently regional meteorological Service of the Tuscany.
Gaspare Borsellino,
sicialian entrepreneur, are the founder and responsible director of Italpress, the agency of
press with only center to Palermo to south of Rome with customers in all Italy and to the
foreign country.
Publicist already to 18 years, deep Borsellino Italpress in 1988:
two years before, flown in Lampedusa during the crisis of the missiles launch from Gheddafi
to the wide one of the small sicialian island, he succeeds to interview the commander of local
the Born base selling the article in all Italy.
Italpress leaves like informative service, 3 blots some
to write and a fax, with the cover of some zones of the Sicily and the Calabria.
The carried out one in the ' 94 with the World-wide ones of soccer in which it sendes it you
of Italpress begins to send 50 news to the day " In order to make the jump --
it has declared First Communication , in the number of slid March --
served me 40 million in order to buy the computers and a serveur in order to shunt the news.
But the banks said to me that this was a field that could not last ".
And instead Italpress enters in partnership with the Telpress of Rome and today it employs
14 journalists editors and it has 2100 collaborators who every day supply 500 takes and services
send you via satellite and Internet to 120 customers between which all the daily paper of
the Rcs Editori, the Republic , Tg2, Raisport and Radiouno.
Particular attention is turned to the sport, with notiziari daily sportswomen and the cover
of the greater international events, while Italpress offers complementary news to those of
the great agencies in atmosphere topic, politics, economy and tourism.
Borsellino takes part 27 January to the Quality College of the CNR to speak " To create
a national enterprise of the communication in Sicily ".
Vincenzo Marino, Neapolitan
, entrepreneur and engineer are the general manager of the Unitec D to Gersthofen in Germany and of its
Italian branch (office) Unitec Services & Web to Sabaudia.
Gotten passionate from always of the technological innovationes, it develops its preparation
in the field of the electronics and the industrial automations with particular reference to
the robotics and to computer science.
It begins its international career in Fiat working in the planning and relations it trades them
with the greater industries of the automobile and the industrial automation.
Adviser for robotizzate automations, holds conferences on the robotics and participates to the
study of applications on robot anthropomorphs.
Member of commission of the Agency of German standardization (DIN, Deutsches Institut fur Normung),
and adviser of the ISO for the jobs of normalization in the within of the emergencies for systems
automati us of production, collaborates with the greater constructors in the industrial
experimentation of laser and application of new technologies, and with the opening of the
communitarian market and to the standard of the "ban to she wastes" I founded
the Unitec to Gersthofen in order lend support to international
industrial supplyings.
He defines therefore the concept of "integrated supplies" formulating the bases of the outsourcing
of supplyings and of the automation of the relati to you processes trained you inner for which she
designs to new modality of management of the warehouses of factory he soon dedicates you to the
maintenance become concepts of base of the field.
From the development of the concept of Virtual Warehouse, procurement dedicated and netsourcing
( ) the concept of virtual warehouse
of district is born which then they follow the "Virtual Hospital" for the cost reduction of warehouse
of the sanitary districts and Preventivionline
( ), an application for the preventivazione
of the budget via web to cost zero.
Lemma " the Virtual Warehouse " today is brought back in the "Dictionary of the
Digital Economy" de the Sun 24 Hours , and Unitec has become case of study for many
university theses, for the Polytechnic of Milan that of it introduces the concepts in the Master
of edesign, and for the University of Tor Vergata in its Master while the "Mouthfuls" have them
it illustrates to you in the days dedicated to supplyings of Public Administration.
Of Unitec and gornali enclosed Vincenzo Marino
the press like the Courier of the Evening is interested, Republic , Capital
and Economic Mondo .
January to the Quality College of the CNR takes part to Palermo 29 in order to speak about "
virtual Warehouse.
Concept and applications in the health and the great plants of production ".