This page has been automatically translate with Google from the Italian language. ![]() The appraisal of a model of application of the Outsourcing can not prescind from the degree of acquaintance and from I use of Information Technologies, let alone from the property of Tools on they bases and proposals to you, from part of the Outsourcing Provider Vincenzo Marino Time Management In the countries to high yield it is more and more often found to us in the necessity of relazionarsi to the precious factor time. it is opinion by now diffused that second one which is not more sufficient one optimal definition and the respect of the working hour bands; that that assumes a fundamental importance in so far as is what it comes made concretely in such arc of time, the result that is of the activities, remote premises and, of the human and technological resources, they are they of inner or external type. For being able to carry out effective activities of Controlling and Management they are necessary managerial instruments and always new acts to you it bases to you on innovative technologies. The availability of such instruments plays a determining role in the definition of new organizational models orients you to the cost reduction, the consolidation of the business position on the market and to greater competitiveness and efficiencies. In the attempt of resolution of the "problem time", in the within Management Material Supplyings and Management, the companies will more and more often be found in the position to demand to the own suppliers the ability to assume a role of active Partner in the definition and in the development of the business strategies and in the attainment of it objects to you economic always better; it will be arrived in this way to having a more and more complete and fruitful integration with those organizational centers that such service are in a position to offering. Communications and Procedures The number of the procedures of a supplying process is increasing in the time proportionally to the number of orders that become necessary, in particular way in the within of the reciprocations for systems. This increase in the number of the orders has origin in the effective reduction of the immobilized value in warehouse towards which the great companies they are being oriented. The documentation and the size of information generated for every procedure of the process of supplying and its relative management in the various ones are made of the process, make of the engaged time the main protagonist of such activities. The time is revealed as factor the whose degree of incidence turns out imponderable and, apparently, not measurable one; the possibility cannot but be neglected to reduce the amount of used time thanks to the support of aimed computer science solutions, in a position to carrying out activity of communication, verification, controlling and follow up; the costs of such activities in fact often exceed a lot and a lot the value of the object to provision (the procedures of supplying are between fifty and sixty, been involved agencies ca. ten, the persons been involved between ten and twenty). Outsourcing Integrated Platform Software The new technologies and ways of communication concur the realization and I use it to reduced costs of the most effective solutions. Their validity must be found in Association of Bologna in the elevated speed of answer more than in the power of the used hardware. It puts into effect them costs of installation, diagnosis, maintenance and modernization of the applications is revealed extremely reduced if relazionati to the possibility to operate from whichever part of the world. The introduction of the platform software dedicated, and realized in the optical of the Work Flow, concurs a Feedback On-linens, available automatically to every accomplishment of procedure from part of the external structure and the possibility to operate in interactive way placing between the own structure and that one of the Outsourcer Provider. it is possible, as an example, to consult one put personalized data bank to you to disposition from the Outsourcing Provider: in other words every risorsa/ente (Outsourcer) been involved in the supplying process the state of advance of one demanded of supplying in whichever point of the flow can control, beyond to being able to control lists, orders sendes to you, be of advance of the same ones and relati terms to you of delivery, invoices and bubbles, "control of the activity of Outsourcing" (GI - Degree of Integration). The possibility to approach such arches to you comes assured from the simple one uses of a system of management of the information of the type Information Oriented. Like saying previously the factor that generates in first request the increase of the number of orders is the necessity to reduce the warehouse supplyes; proporziona they to such increase are to multiply itself of the activities of control and support of the been involved suppliers. An enormous aid in the management of this type of situation derives from the realization of synergies with other agencies of management of the materials to the inside just Group (on the national and foreign territory), if not quite with other truths with common guidelines. I use of the Outsourcing Integrated Platform Software is placed, in the within of the strategic design of innovation, between Outsourcer and the activities of the Outsourcer Provider, without to generate negative incidences to the existing structures and prescription. All that can is seen oltretutto like creation of the bases for one graduates them evolution towards an International Outsourcing. (vd. Virtual Warehouse that concurs to maintain the value of the supplyes lessened, but of having one amount available in greater truth of the minimal amount in lying in just the warehouse). |