This page has been automatically translate with Google from the Italian language. A VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE FOR THE PURCHASES Unitec proposes a solution on linens that the optimization of supplyings concurs and a consequent cost reduction thanks to I use of one integrated procedure The companies always have more the problem than to optimize the times and the procedures for supplyings, with a consequent advantage also on the costs. Unitec knowing to bottom these problematic ones, in collaboration with Unitec Services & Web, has thought to use new means puttinges to disposition from the technology on linens in order to supply a service that came encounter to the requirements expressed from the enterprises. Therefore it has developed one series of solutions for industrial supplying via Internet. The developed applications regard purchases, supplying, warehouse, marketing and reporting. The indication of Unitec is proporzionare the costs to the necessities so that the relationship between the cost and the efficiency of the structures is direct and measurable. This is possible tramutando the part less remunerativa, but proportionally more expensive of the inner procedures of supplying in services from being able to acquire on the market. In this way the immediate transformation of the fixed costs in variable costs is obtained that follow the business conjunctural course. As an example it is possible to reduce hundred of invoices in arrival in one single coming from from the provider. The grouping extends to all documents and procedures that precede the invoicing. The adoption of the integrated supply reduces also the costs, optimizing the prices. This effect is consequent to the economy induced from the purchase volume that concentrates itself in the merceologiche and technological areas shared from more customers of the service. There are then of the advantages from the logistic point of view poichè the system concurs to obtain improvements of the logistic flow. The arrivals can be agree to you so that the acceptance goodses can happen in restricted way and not more fragmentary. Finally the shipping charges are reduced since will be possible to move always great amounts of goodses with consequent economy of scale. All that is possible sharing virtual warehouses with other customers of this service. Unitec in more concurs than to control via Internet all the tracking of the activities in course. Edoardo Righi