This page has been automatically translate with Google from the Italian language. The more innovative techniques for the business purchases through Internet Milan, 19 september 2000 Excelsior Hotel Gallia- P.zza Duca of Aosta, 9 8.30 Recording of the participants and Welcome Coffee 9.00 Introduction: E-enterprise and the impact of Internet on business the traditional Elido Fazi, General manager, Business International 9.15 Business purchases through Internet: eProcurement and the Places Market
9.45 To ad hoc implement a plan for the management of the purchases on linens
10.30 Coffee Break 11.00 The modalities of purchase in the Places Market and the advantages
11.45 Integrated supply chain: the outsourcing of the approvigionamenti
12.15 The Places Market and the collaboration between companies: a new way to make business
12.45 Debate opened on the topic: "the relationships with the suppliers through Internet: the business experiences and the suggested strategies " During this session will be invite all to you the participants to the convention to discuss the experience about the own company on the more modern techniques adopted in order to optimize the relationships with the suppliers. The participants will be moreover invite to you to exchange the own opinions with the relatori of the day that will indicate the more efficient strategies in order to optimize the supply chain through l’utilizzo of Internet 13.15 Lunch 14.45 Integration of the supply chain through Internet The case Dell Company Paul Engheben, General executive manager, Dell Computer Italy 15.15 To manage the passage from the purchases to the eProcurement The Pirelli case Andrea Pirondini, E-Business Responsible, Pirelli 15.45 European the Place Market of the metallic products The Steelscreen case Gaetano Ronchi, Managing Director, Steelscreen (South Europe) 16.15 The portale of Fiat for the purchases "on linens" The case Fast Buyer Giuseppe Centaro, Responsible acquires and interscambi, Fiat 16.45 The immediate advantages of the eProcurement The Sun case George Covets To You, E-Business Director, Sun Microsystems Italy 17.15 An Italian experience in the Business to Business The Max Morocutti, President, 17.45 Questions and debate 18.00 Closing of the jobs |