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TMP2000  DWYER  Pressure gage 2.5 Kpa 
0-10BARS  WIKA  Pressure gauge with alarm contact, pressure range: 0-10 Bars SF6, Ambient temp.: 65 deg.C; max. accuracy: +/-1.0of full range; size: 100mm adjustment over the full range 
SEE DESCRIPTION  WIKA  Pressure Gauge with alarm contact, pressure range: 0-10- Bars SF6, Ambient temp:65deg.C, max accuracy: +/- 1.0 of full range, size: 100mm adjiustament over the full range. 
759046408  HÖRAUF  Pressure lever (left) 
759046407  HÖRAUF  pressure lever (right) 
YM289001-S  ABB  Pressure Plate for load cell model Drawing 2197 127T 
C5211B3017  Ross  Pressure reducing valve G 3/4 - 1 1/2 
C5211C8017  Ross  Pressure reducing valve G 3/4 - 1 1/2 
C5211D5017  Ross  Pressure reducing valve G 3/4 - 1 1/2 
C5211B4017  Ross  Pressure reducing valve G 3/4 - 1 1/2 
MR12-E11-VW0-4  Sempress  Pressure regulator mounting 1/2" BSPP working pressure 3 BAR +/- 0,1(con fondo scala da 5) (item 21 of our drawing) 
182310  DWYER  Pressure switch - field 51-254 MM.H20 differential 4,6 - 11,45 
256849  TEC SYSTEM KATEC  Pressure Switch 0.2-1 mbar 
185.672  TEC SYSTEM KATEC  Pressure Switch 0.5-5 mbar 
182310  Dätwyler  Pressure switch 182310A - field 51-254 MM.H20 differential 4,6 - 11,45 change point 0,5-2,5kPa 
50403EL  TEC SYSTEM KATEC  Pressure Switch 2.5-50 mbar 
SO302EE  TEC SYSTEM KATEC  Pressure Switch 30-150 mbar 
810230  Frigofrance  Pressure switch type SM42 5-50MBAR for brake circuit filling installation 
063130  Euroweb  Pressure Transducer on Ryco 
260556  TEC SYSTEM KATEC  Pressure Transmitter 4-20mA Ashoron 
6DM1003OLD00  Siemens  Printed Circuit 
BK501  EMG  Printed Circuit 
6ES5IM3083UC11  Siemens  Printed Circuit 
6ES59233UC11  Siemens  Printed Circuit 
C98043A1601L  Siemens  Printed Circuit 
6ES53731AA61  Siemens  Printed Circuit 
LS1001  EMG  Printed Circuit 
231495  EMG  Printed Circuit 
231373  EMG  Printed Circuit 
231310  EMG  Printed Circuit 
231371  EMG  Printed Circuit 
2157B/M003  Biffi  Printed Circuit 
6ES53083UC11  Siemens  Printed Circuit (ex. 6ES53083UB11) 
6ES54304UA14  Siemens  Printed Circuit 5VCC, Input 
6ES53003AB11  Siemens  Printed Circuit 5VCC, Interface 
SMPE200A1  Siemens  Printed Circuit, Input/Digital Output, 360 MA 
060694012000  Brown & Scharpe  Probe joint 
060684060000  Brown & Scharpe  Probe joint for PMM 
060684042000  Brown & Scharpe  Probe joint for PMM 
060694057000  Brown & Scharpe  Probe pin L=125 S=8 
M00694186000  Brown & Scharpe  Probe pin L=125 S=8 
060694150014  Brown & Scharpe  Probe pin L=176 S=8 
060694050000  Brown & Scharpe  Probe pin diam.3 mm 
050-02311  ENKEL  Process control 
6DD16064AA0  Siemens  Processing board for Simadyn 
6ES50958MC03  Siemens  Processing central unit, 24 VCC 
ZL5300  HARMS+WENDE  Processing central unit, 24 VCC 
6ES9483UA11  Siemens  Processing central unit, 24 VCC 
7774350  Tsx Union Ltd.  Processor automax 7010 (57C435) - 226 SN KW1,5 POLI 4 B5 IM3001 PVDF 25 
540  Allen Bradley  Processor unit PLC 
DK7092000  RITTAL  Profile"C" 
PS4174000  RITTAL  Profile Mounting PS 23x23 mm 
033531300  CLOOS  programcontrol for axis 
Programmversorgung  CLOOS  programm supply 
600-050-16  Meta Vision  Protection for laser 
PM3/00-1E  DIELL  Proximity IND D12 
IGA2008FRKG/US1001RF  Automatic Handling  Proximity Switch (Spare parts for bobbin boots apparatus AHI) 
BES516324E4C03  Balluff  Proximity switch, inductive, Diameter: 8mm, Type Shorty -PNP 
PM6/CP1C47  DIELL  Proximity, PNP, 10-30V DC, SQ7 
050-02209  ENKEL  PS2 24 VOC power supply 
XG11A151A  Harris  Pulley 
64912  Harris  Pulley for chain REGINA (043606), Diam.30, Z21, Internal Diam.25, PT 225, cod. 64912, MARBET, for HOPPER LOADER SU 904- HARRIS 
050-22506  ENKEL  Pulley-Gates 8M-505-36 
18690011-1024  LEINE & LINDE  Pulse generator 
GHT9125931  Cegelec  Pulse generator GHT9125931 9706/H0587+9706/H0599 
82730  LINCOLN  Pump 
VX224  Maag  Pump 
1PF2G24X/016RH30MO  REXROTH  pump (ex. 1PF2G24/016LH30MOS143) 
8-1328  THERMAL DYNAMICS  Pump DNG-63-80-PPV-A 0,07KW MFE5/BW3 50HZ V3X400 (AISI 304) - 10 bar-PVDF,230/400V-50Hz 
90R100MA1A8SC7E03NNNAB4224  SAUER  Pump for Hydraulic transmission, volumme 100cm3, pressure 42MPa with drive for auxiliary pump 
RGSJ404  ROOTS DRESSER  Pump Serie 709583 id. 820-420-20 
XA33  ROOTS DRESSER  Pump Serie 9012044 id. 839-541-20 
PUMP Unit  TRESU  Pump Unit with automatic lacquer supply and cleaning system 
PW289  VOGEL  Pump with pneumatic command 
PMP02290  Pfeiffer  Pumpe 
5928715  RACINE  Pumpe Typ. PSVPSSF-10-HRM 
P2V4+V400588266+0058267  REXROTH  PUMPEN-KOMBINATION 1PV2V4 - 2X / 50RG27MF1-16A1 = Datenblatt RD10460 + 1PV2V4 - 2X / 50RG27MF1 - 16A1 = Datenblatt RD10460 
E213694  Harris  Push button for keyboard PCQ, for Sunday 
3SB1100OAB51BLK  Siemens  Push button. Cod. 1928 FLUSH 
60447436RA  Harris  Pushbutton 
800TD2A AB  Allen Bradley  Pushbutton 
800TD1A AB  Allen Bradley  Pushbutton 
800TD9A AB  Allen Bradley  Pushbutton 
800TD6JD2 AB  Allen Bradley  Pushbutton 
800MR A1D1KAB  Allen Bradley  Pushbutton 
3SB1100OAE00  Siemens  Pushbutton 
3SB1100 IAC00  Siemens  Pushbutton 
AH165TGFW11  FUJI  Pushbutton 
UB13725  Harris  Pusher 
VT19353  Harris  Pusher finger 
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